6:45 pm Rosh Hashanah community dinner - warm, family atmosphere with special Rosh Hashanah tastings. Adults and children. Click here for reservation and location. (Preceded by brief service on location at 6:15 pm)
Main Services Rosh Hashanah Morning Day 1 // Thursday
, October 3
Location: Bell Tower Regional Community Center (near City Hall) - 22232 El Paseo, RSM, 92688
9:30 am Beginning of service
10:00 am -11:30 pm Main W indow for Torah reading, sermon, and shofar, with simultaneous Children's Program (followed by Musaf and additional shofar blowing)
Lakeside Community Family Tashlich & Shofar// Thursday, October 3 @ 6:00 pm
A warm, light, inspirational community experience for all ages.
Location: RSM Lake at the Amphitheater - Will also plan a shofar blowing just before sunset, by 6:30 pm, for people who come later.
Service 2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah //
Friday, October 4
Additional Rosh Hashanah Service 9:30 am
10:00 am - 11:30 am is Main Window for Torah reading, sermon & shofar (Shofar not before 10:45, Shofar is followed by musaf))
Yom Kippur Eve // Friday, October 11
Yom Kippur Services are at alternate local venue (just for this year Yom Kippur of 5785-2024, the Bell Tower is totally unavailable). Please see your email or reach out for details.
Kol Nidrei & Evening Service: 6:15 pm .
Yom Kippur Day // Saturday, October 12
Morning Service: Begins 10 am
Main window for adults including Torah reading and Sermon at around and Children's Program :
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
Approximate Yizkor time: 12 pm
Mincha and Neilah Closing Services: 5:00
Final Shofar Sounding and Evening Service: 6:57 pm
Followed by bagels and lox break-fast. To sponsor please reach out.
Sukkos Dinners and more:
Sukkot Dinner under the Stars, for All Ages // First Night Mitzvah - Wednes day October 16 at 6:15 pm, or Friday October 18 at 5:45 pm (with Friday Lulav shaking opportunity till sunset). Stay tuned by email update or by contacting us.
Open Sukkah and Family Experience in the Sukkah // Sunday October 20 between 10:30am - 12 pm For all ages, Mom's, Dads, tots and siblings - Lulav & sukkah hands-on, with light refreshments.
And, individual Outdoor Sukkah and Lulav Shake visits, week of Oct 17 - 23 (besides Shabbat)!
Grand Simchat Torah Celebration & Special Honor/Memory to Israel Heroes: Evening of Oct 24 7:00 pm
Special Torah Daytime Celebration - Friday Oct 25, Special Children's Program and Torah Celebration - Stay Tuned
Stay updated to details in emails (some times subject to change). Click here to join our mailing list.