with Rabbi Zalman A. Kantor 

Audio / Video

Whether you’re commuting to work, running errands, doing housework. exercising, or relaxing you can inject some Torah, meaning, and inspiration into your life—and any Torah study is a connection with the will and wisdom of Hashem—simply by  listening on your Smartphone or computer! 

Can't come to a class? Have a class come to you! 

This podcast is recorded especially for podcast listeners, with thanks to Tomer K for his tech assistance (Average time 30 mins.)

Posted weekly or as they come out here


Or go to http://weeklyparsha.podbean.com/

Maybe you've heard the news, you've heard the gossip, you've seen the latest episode... but have you heard whats really happening? With the Torah portion of the week you'll get the inner life and vitality and truly get to Live with the Times.